Category Archives: News

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3ROC News 19th April 2016

Well, the Leinster Championships are over – a lot of work went into the event over the past year and [&hellip

3ROC News 13th April 2016

Carrick Mountain here we come! The final countdown to the Leinster Championships is on. We have 198 entries, from all [&hellip

3ROC News 6th April 2016

The final course information for the Leinster Championships on Sunday 17th April is on the LOC2016 page here. Final details [&hellip

3ROC News 30th March 2016

All ready for WOW this weekend? The “Wexford Orienteering Weekend” is joint effort by Waterford Orienteers, CNOC and DUO, with [&hellip

3ROC News 23rd April 2016

Happy Easter everyone! 3ROC are off to the 50th Jan Kjellstrom O-Festival (“the JK”) in Yorkshire this weekend – about [&hellip

3ROC News 16th March 2016

Well,we were right about the weather for Ajax’s Leinster League event at the Bull Island last Sunday: another great day’s [&hellip

3ROC News 9th March 2016

Where did all the scouts come from? We had almost 200 people at our come-and-try-it event in the Phoenix Park [&hellip

3ROC News 2nd March 2016

All set for our event in the Phoenix Park on Sunday 6th March: start from 11 to 1 pm at [&hellip

3ROC Mid Term Break!

No local orienteering until Castletown House, Celbridge, on Sunday 28th February for the next Leinster League event, run by Fingal. [&hellip

3ROC News 9th February 2016

Shrove Tuesday today, so just over 6 weeks training left before the JK in Yorkshire at Easter! There are a [&hellip